Rebecca's World

A place to share my millions of pictures and very random thoughts:) Welcome and please feel free to comment:)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Back from the Dead..... well I am being a tad dramatic... but not really

Well.... lets just say it has not been the best week ever in the Stapleton House... or Devaney or Repolgle.

(I have a feeling this is gonna be long)

It all started Saturday morning when we were literally getting into the car to go to Jennifer's House (For our neice Connie's bday).... it is about a 3 hour drive. As we were walking out.... Kaiya threw up everywhere. Then Preston and I got into a huge fight because he still wanted to go because Kaiya seemed ok, I I did not want to go because I thought she was sick.... anyway.... more on that in the last post I made. SO.... Kaiya was sick all weekend and Preston came down with it at work Monday afternoon, puking and all. Poor guy, he came home and crawled into bed. I checked on him a few times and he was pretty miserable:( So I set up shop on the couch so not to bother him for the night. Well... I felt kinda iffy before falling asleep.... woke up puking around 2 am. So this went on for about 12 hours (you know, the whole both ends fun:P) and I could tell my fever was high because I was freezing and sweating and kinda out of it. I told Preston to call the EMS because I thought there was something really wrong. They came and took me in, after 7 hours in the ER and lots of fluids later, they admitted me to St Anns for 4 days:( For some reason this thing had knocked down all of my blood counts and some of my liver function. So they were concerned about what was behind it. I have to admit, the stay was pretty miserable.... my IV in my arm "blew" Wednesday evening and my arm swelled up twice its size ebfore I figured it out when my Mom came to see me ..... needless to say... 3 hours, 3 nurses and one supervisor later, I wound up with a PICC line in my biccep because they could not find a line anywhere. After all was said in done I had 16 poke holes/bruises remaining, it was nuts. Meanwhile on the homefront, everyone in the Devaney and Replogle family started coming down with it. My Mom first on Friday, then Emy as well on Friday, Adam Friday night and Saturday Hannah and Charlie and Sunday.... Austin. They only two people that did not get it some how are Cassie and my Dad. We arent even sure if it is all the same virus.... it has felt like a war zone with not enough medics! Em wound up at the ER Saturday afternoon and was admitted overnight and hydrated enough to come home, but she is still rebuilding her energy and trying to get better.

As of today, Monday.... I am on the mend. I have zero energy because of all of my blood counts being so low and not eating much, but I have a follow up Friday to make sure the counts are going up. And I am trying as much as I can to eat.... although this was a faboo crash diet:) 10 pounds in 5 days! WHOOHOO. Kaiya still has terrible diariah, Preston and Cass are healthy, Em is at Mom's recovering, Adam is at work getting better, Mom is at Em's with her kiddos and Hannah is still pretty bad off and has not barely moved for 3 days, so we are keeping a close eye on her, Charlie has the terrible diariah Kaiya has and so does Austin (we think it might even be rotovirus, even though Kaiya has had it and Chaz and Autty had the vaccine). Charlie is eating enough but the little guy has had very little and we are watching him close as well. My Dad was here at my house for a few hours to help me and we have quaraentned Gigi from all houses to make sure she doesnt get it.

So that is that.... I still cannot believe what a week this was, but I am ready to start getting everything back on track and trying to get everyone healty. Poor Autty.... we want him better so bad.... his birthday is this Thursday!!!! We dont want to poor guy to be sick on his first birthday!

So please send healing prayers all of our ways and hope that this awful thing is DONE. Thansk!!!

Added two gross pics.....
My picc line and the vein that blew when my IV crapped out


At 2:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am awed by what you all have been through. Terrible, terrible stuff. It sure sounds like Rota... even little bug. I hope you all get better soon. I'm sending you hugs, love and happy get well wishes. :) - tif

At 6:48 PM , Blogger Gamma said...

Hope you are feeling better soon, as well as the rest of the family. Whatever all of you have/had sounds terrible and definitely does not sound appealing. I hope little Austin is better by his birthday!


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