I live: day by day
I work: taking care of my girls
I smell: The lotion I put on the girls before bed
I listen: To the people I trust, Em, my parents, Preston and close friends
I hide: my hips if I can help it... not my best feature currently
I walk: usually with a baby on my hip and walk fast usually... although I am clumsy
I write: Cards to people who have done some thing wonderful
I see: tiny babies when I look at the girls.... I still see their newborn faces when I look at them
I sing: all the time... even though I suck:)
I can: twirl a baton, change a diaper standing up (the child) and sometimes pick up vibes on things that will happen
I watch: mostly stuff my husband and kids watch
I daydream: when I watch my kids dance...
I want: my loved ones to be happy and healthy
I cry: at lots of things, happy and sad.... I am a total softy
I read: Books that are mostly biographies, but I did read the entire Harry Potter series and loved it
I love: when people do nice things for other people for no reason.
I rode: one a Dora mini quad for kids and fell on my booty
I sometimes: I wish I could know what my kids are thinking when they give me funny looks, my dogs too
I fear: loss
I hope: happiness for all the people I am surrounded by
I eat: Lots of Target granola bars
I drink: Coke and water
I play: Bejeweled deluxe on MSN to kill some time when the girls are board... they love it and call it the "Diamond Patch" game... everytime I level up, they put their hands in the air and yell "Blastoff!"
I miss: Pops, baby Duncan, my angel babies, Nanny, Don
I forgive: quickly and fully
I drive: my urban land cruiser.... AKA minivan
I lost: a tiny peice of my heart with each miscarriage, but my girls have filled those back in
I dream: About bizarre, endless and pointless dreams, I usually rememer every detail but cannot recite it back to someone becuase even I cannot make them make sense... weird I know
I kiss: My girls all the time, Preston everytime he leaves and comes home from work
I hug: Anyone I love
I have: been through a lot but when you are down... people come out of the wood work and show so much love and support
I remember: Songs and movie lines... but I am terrible with names, faces and birthdays:(
I don't: totally like myself right now, but know I will again
I believe: in angels and God
I owe: Kaiya some new playdoh because hers is so flakey that the vaccume will not even get them... so we through them away
I know: That God is up there
I hate: lying and being late
I wish: a massage
I wear: My wedding and engagement ring and an emerald ring my Mom gave me
My ex: I am friends with all of them pretty much
Maybe I should: stop eating too much... :)
People would say that I'm: kind of a nut, but I like that
I don't understand: what God has in store for my family, but I trust Him
My past is: filled with awesome memories and happiness
I get annoyed when: Preston leaves his clothes on the floor
Tomorrow: Will be better then today - we wont be so snow bound!!
Never in my life have I: not believed in God
When I was younger, I: was hyper and sooooo dorky
When I'm nervous: my neck gets stiff and my stomach gets messed up
When I was 5: My parents got a video camera and Em and I could not get in front of it enough!
My life is not complete without: hope
If you visit my hometown: Go to Colonial Williamsburg and then go to Busch Gardens and ride the Loch Ness Monster
The world could do without: war
If I ever go back to school: I would be a moron! I am quite happy with my little MBA, that is enough school for me!