Rebecca's World

A place to share my millions of pictures and very random thoughts:) Welcome and please feel free to comment:)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I *think* things are starting to look up:)

Ok.... so, Preston was able to fix the toilet all by himself, the ceiling is still a huge issue, but it does not need to be addressed immediately. The fridge has been hauled away and a new shiney working one is in its place:) My Grandmother was generous enough to help us pay for the new fridge and so that was a lot of stress off our plate. I finally got a call for an interview, and it is from the job I really want... part time human resources! So cross your fingers for us that that works out because that would be huge for Preston and I. Also my Mom's doctors have been going back and forth with each other and discussing her medical issues and we think we may be getting our answers faster then we thought as well as Mom wont have to have another test. We are hoping and praying that we get some good news. My Mom certainly deserves it, she has worked her whole life as a nurse and retied just in time to be covered with grandchildren:) She is a very healthy person and deserves nothing less then a clean bill of health. I feel good luck coming on and I am wearing my Mom's ring that she gave me a while ago and it is Kaiya's birthstone. I love it and wearing it seems to make me feel even more hopeful :)

Today was my Dad's 62nd birthday and we went over to Mom and Dad's to celebrate with cake and of course jumping on the bed:) All the kids had a ball and Daddy seemed happy with his little day:)

The girls are good, still battling Kaiya daily on the glasses issue which she seems to be winning at this point.... but I intend to continue being all over her.... Her eye has been much more noticeable turning in and out and it worries me that it is getting worse. She will be seen again in 2 months. Cassie is still completely happily obsessed with her Bink... it is too funny and she still says virtually nothing at 18 months... I find it sweet:) But man does she say Mama... she knows where the goods are!! They are now playing together more as well as fighting more... but they are both strong willed and strong enough to fight and know what they want. Sometimes its funny, sometimes its ugly:) I did not think I would be breaking up catfights so soon (biting, hairpulling, slapping) - still semi humorous:)

Preston is finally on the mend and we never were able to put a name with his mystery illness... all test results came back normal with the exception of his white count... which was elavated. I am starting to think he may have had salmonila or E-Coli... I kept asking the doctors at the specialist and the hospital if it could have been food or water born and no one seemed to think that was possible... but there were no other answers and he finally seems to be without symptoms all around. So we will just pray that it does not return. SO far so good *knocking on wood!* If it had been E-Coli or Salmonila... he could have taken antibiotics and been healthy in days, so I was kinda ticked, but nothing is for sure.

I think that is it. Please keep Mom in your prayers until we know what is happening. Thanks for all the love and support everyone.

*crossing fingers, knocking on wood, throwing salt and watching out for ladders and black cats!*


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