Rebecca's World

A place to share my millions of pictures and very random thoughts:) Welcome and please feel free to comment:)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Trusting God......

When I was going through infertility and miscarriages over a span of 5 years, I learned a lot of about the value of patience and the challenge of trusting God. In my heart of hearts.... I truly trusted that God was going to make Preston and I parents, even after our 2nd miscarriage at 10 weeks. We certainly helped the big guy along with all my surgeries and treatments that we went through to make our amazing Kaiya...but underneathe it all - was trust and faith that I KNEW God was listening to our prayers and that we would someday have a baby - even if he or she was not conceived the "conventional" way. I also trusted God when we started "trying" to have another baby - for some reason I knew that He was going to give us another baby - we got pregnant sooooo quickly - it was almost like a reward for all the waiting and heartache the first go round. I have to admit.... I have been TRULY humbled by the amount of people that I have been introduced to that are friends of friends that knew Preston and I and our sweet babies through prayer. It is so amazing to me to meet someone you have never met and for them to touch your stomach and "Oh sweetie - I prayed for you and this baby so much" - amazing.

All that being said - sometimes, my trust is challenged. I am having a bit of a rough time right now. Nothing bad - just frusterating. I am searching high and low for a perfect part time job - I thought I had found it - but it did not happen. I just need to remember that something WILL happen and I have to believe that He is listening to my prayers. In the big picture.... this is by NO MEANS a bad issues, it is just something that I need.... the perfect job (other then being a Mom).

Ok.... appearently I am being a philosopher tonight. Thanks for listening and if I have not said it.... thanks for your prayers to anyone who has prayed for me or my wonderful family. I am truly grateful.

How I know God answers prayers:


At 10:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will be answered... just waiting for the right one to come!
Tell my little million dollar baby (and my drunk halloween baby that I love them)

At 11:17 PM , Blogger Gamma said...

What a sweet post...and of course they were worth the wait. As far as the job, maybe you will have to go through a few "miscarriages" of jobs until He fits you with the right "Kaiya and Cassie" of jobs. Until then...enjoy those precious babies.

At 3:32 PM , Blogger The Arthurs said...

Thanks for sharing about your pregnancy trials. I was unaware of them. We all have our journeys, heh?

Wanting to let you know about a random thought I had while reading your blog: My mom had a part time gig stocking, sorting, and reordering greeting cards. She LOVED it, because it was decent money and a ton of autonomy. You must love cards, be obsessive compulsive about organization (a lot of the sorting is a bit tedious - basically, you're making the stocked cards look GOOD and the holiday decor surrounding the cards look orderly), and be in charge of your own transportation from store to store. Mom worked for Recycled Greetings, although I'm sure Hallmark and many others hire independent stockers. Look into it. Just might be interesting!!!

At 11:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, whoever you are... leave her blog alone, it doesnt need useless comments.
Thank you.


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