Rebecca's World

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Rough weekend....

I am not quite sure what is going on lately with my Kaiya..... but she has been acting like a completely different child. Over the course of the weekend she threw what I would consider mega temper tantrums over very minor things. She has always had her fits here and there, totally normal.... but these were so bad that she was impossible to control long enough to even calm her down. She also has been sobbing at bed time, begging me to rock her to sleep and grabbing onto to me when I put her to bed say "no Mommy, dont go Mommy, rock me, please". I have not rocked her to sleep since she was 10 months old. I had thought that maybe she was sick, but she is not, no fever, runny nose, cough... nothing. She also threw a fit today at Lowes and would not even show me her face since it was buried in my chest and stayed that way for at least 45 minutes and would not let me put her down and when we got to the car... she ran to the back and hid and Preston and I had to pry her out to get her into her car seat. She screamed all the way home. She also has had days that she has slept as late at 11am in the morning after going to bed 9 at night. She did that 3 times this week (once until 11, twice until 10). Of course everyone says "she is growing" or "she is just a toddler" and of course my Grandmother telling me I am too hard on her and that I am not bringing her up well... thanks Gigi- ouch.

And of course to add to it... my mid-back has been in spasm since Friday night.... I am sure from stress and trying to carry her when she is flailing.... I am still in a ton of pain and on the heating pad.

I have no idea what to do. Her behavior seems to have changed overnight. I am worried because I feel like someting is going on and I have no idea how to deal with her when she is like this. Dont get me wrong, she is a wonderful child, but when she starts these temper tantrums.... I cannot even get her attention. I have tried ignoring her and that seems to make it worse.... I really wish that kids came with an owners manual, because I feel lost about what to do. I am praying for good throughts tonight and praying that my back holds up tomorrow since Preston wont be home:(

Sorry, whine fest over.


At 8:09 AM , Blogger Tiffany McCallen said...

Hang in there, Beck. I hope it's just a phase that she goes out of as fast as she came into it.

At 2:44 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

Hang in's rough, but this too, shall pass. Know that we're always here for you!


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