Rebecca's World

A place to share my millions of pictures and very random thoughts:) Welcome and please feel free to comment:)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

What a rollercoaster... with a happy ending

Well, anyone who knows anything about me and Preston knows we are "reproductively challenged" hee hee, well I guess you can say we USED to be. Well - the last 3 weeks have certainly tested us in all aspects - here is the recap:
May 7th (Kaiya's 2nd birthday): Took a pregnancy test because I just had a weird feeling... even though we had been using birth control.... positive (HOLY CRAP) Might I add - I was bleeding a lot- were we still pregnant?
May 9th: Got blood drawn for an HCG level - came back at 124 - definitely pregnant
May 12th: Got another blood draw for HCG level - came back 525 - doubling perfect - pregnant
May 22nd: Went for an ultrasound at 6 weeks, the doctor saw only a small sac and no heartbeat or baby, the sac measuring very off at 4 weeks, 2 days - very bad sign, the doctor told us we needed a miracle.... and we were told we needed to come back in a week to determine the "unlikely viablity" of the pregnancy - still pregnant, not looking good
May 29th: Follow up ultrasound..... God listeded to our prayers and we were in the 5% of people that their body actually caught up.... a sac, a baby and a heartbeat!!!!! The baby is measuring 6 weeks, 4 days and looks prefect!!!

SO=====>>>>> all that to say we ARE PREGNANT!!!! 7 weeks! We still can use lots of prayers to make sure this baby stays put... we have a tough history with that. The baby is due January 19... this little one is the shock of our lives but much hoped and prayed for after all was said and done. I hope this is the final scarey point of the pregnancy!!!!!

Finally updating.....

I have been massively neglecting my blog!!! I have had an ill laptop (and kiddo) so it has been crazy! So I will update now!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sometimes you can have fun when you ignore the warning labels....

WARNING: do not allow children to play with an underinflated ball

YA RIGHT!! Look at how much fun we had with the underinflated ball!!! Thanks NJ! The girls love it - all blown up too!

Introducing Prince Flee Bee

Appearently Tuesday while I was at work, Hannah was over. I received a frantic phone call from Em that the girls were beyond tickled at the amazing discovery in my backyard... Prince Flee Bee AKA "the hop hop".... a pretty good sized bullfrog has taken up residence in my backyard to the utter delight of Kaiya and Hannah who go looking for him at every chance they get and are asking about him all the time. When he is located (I guess he is too dumb to leave) there is an immense welcoming party that ensues and they girls start asking him questions and trying to feed him grass. Who would have known a big old bull frog could make two princessed so freakin happy:) Here is a pic of them talking to him (Hannah in a vail, of course) and Kaiya looking on.... and then the star.... "Fleebs" as Em and I have named him.

My little sweetie is oficially 2!!

I am not sure if it is the bad cold her and her sister are fighting.... or if it is the fact that she is actually 2 now... but my sweet, funny little gal is SO SASSY lately! She has opinions about everything... even what she wears!!! I think it is a bit early for that!! She is hysterical as ever - but such a little monster at the same time!!! I gotta love it!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Happy Birthday my sweet Kaiya!!!

May 7 2006

May 7 2007

May 7 2008

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Its my party and I will have a fever if I want to!

Poor little K. We had a get together Sunday for Kaiya and her buddy Olivia with some of our sorority sisters and she was just acting so unhappy. After a while she started just sobbing... that is what a fever of 104 will do for you!!!! Poor little sweetie had her first ear infection! So while her friends were playing outside, she was laying on the couch being pitiful! She is getting better, but it is slow.

Friday, May 02, 2008

a few more eye pics......

My little Kaiya versus the Pediatric Opthomologist

I tell you... for a almost 2 year old - this little pixie has some serious fight in her. We had been noticing for the past few months that something was going on with Kaiya's eyes, not to mention, she has been increasingly clumsy. So, we took her down to Children's Hospital today to meet with a Pediactric Opthomologist. Let's just say it was ugly. Poor Kaiya was scared too death, they put dialating eye drops in her eyes, which burn, and she was set off. While they were doing an extensive eye exam (30 minutes, after bing there for 90 minutes!!!) she kinda lost it and screamed until she threw up, twice :( I have never seen her so agitated. And to make matters worse, the doctor kept saying she was more out of control then any patient he had ever seen.... that made me feel A LOT better :( SO......

We found out that she has "an extremely bad vision problem". SHe is grossly nearsighted in one eye and sort of farsighted in the other eye. Her consition casues her to not be able to focus on things, causing her eyes to wander seperatly and cross together. She has to wear glasses starting immediately and has to have them on at all times unless she is sleeping. If they dont work in two months, she will have to have surgery, because eventually her condition can couse blindness.

You can kinda see it in the picture above, her eyes slightly cross in and when she is tired or concintrating, they look even worse.

So.... my little gal is gonna look like a college professor:) I think she will look adorable. I only worry about the fight to keep the glasses on her head!!!!!!